DXF Clean UP Help

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DXF Clean UP Help

Post by dlewis69 »

Not sure if this is the right place but here goes. I have a dxf file that needs some clean up to cut correctly. While I understand nodes and paths, I struggle maintaining the "look" of the image as I correct it. Subtle lines represent shadows etc. I am very much a left brain and not a creative so much so I just can't see it. Also needs some work to make sure it cuts correctly and things stay that should and those that go, do. I understand that concept pretty well but in a drawing like this, I get lost a bit. I am sure there are a few tips/tricks that will get me going. Happy to pay for someone to do it while allowing me to shadow and learn the thought process. NOT looking for a "fish" but for someone to teach me to "fish" if you get the analogy. Anyway, the file was downloaded from the share forum so want to make sure I acknowledge that.

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Re: DXF Clean UP Help

Post by adbuch »

I am no artist, but I think you just need to do some cuts and create some bridges at strategic locations to keep it all together. Also the size of your finished part may have some bearing on your approach.

For example, you would want to make some cuts to keep the large section on the front around the insignia from falling out. Then do some cuts and bridges to keep the insignia together and from falling out.

Here is what your original file looks like when I open it and link paths. The entire side and front areas will be cut out and the head lights, insignia, door handles, etc. will be lost.
vw bus image original.jpg
After I placed some strategic cuts (just as an example) the sides and front areas will now stay.
vw bus image example 1.jpg
Zooming in on the insignia you can see the mods I did to keep it from falling out. The file I am working with is about 46 inches wide overall, and the tab keeping the insignia from falling out is about 1/2" wide. This may (or may not) be sufficient structurally when you are handling the finished part and also may not be aesthetically pleasing to your eye.
vw bus image example 2.jpg
I've got the feeling that you already know how to do the mechanical part of this, and are looking for some artistic guidance as to where to cut, bridge, modify, etc. Perhaps Jim or one of the others will step up and show a finished drawing to help us see some better ways to tackle this. You might also consider doing a layered piece with multiple parts. Depending on the size of the part, I would also consider engraving some of the details as opposed to cutting them.

Here is one I did several years ago as a gift for one of my nephews. It is mostly engraved, with some plasma cutting for the letters. At this size this one would have been difficult for me to cut with all the details.
1940 ford enlarged.jpg
There are also some professionals available (see link below, names at bottom of the page) who are expert at this and very artistic. You might consider contacting one of them for some professional help.



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Re: DXF Clean UP Help

Post by AREA »

Nice looking bus. I hear you about maintaining the image quality while making it plasma cut and hold together properly. That is more of an artistic thing that I don't believe can be taught, I think and the only way to get that to "click' is to continuously practice doing it. David has some good tips but the time has to be put in or just pay someone with the skills to do it.
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