My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

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My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

13.6 miles. That?s how far I made it down the road after picking up my brand new 4x2 Burntables CNC table. I stopped to check my trailer to make sure my cargo was properly secured and was greeted by a handful of washers, nuts, bolts and bearings laying on my trailer. I promptly snapped the following picture and emailed it to Matt Kool, the salesman I dealt with at BurnTables. His reply: ?Yes, a little tighter would have been preferred.?


It?s also worth noting that I removed (by hand) other hand-tight bolts and bearings at this point so as not to lose them on the rest of the way home. Makes me wonder how such a table was tested at the factory prior to shipment/pick-up? This should have been my first red flag about the quality issues I was soon to experience with BurnTables, but those were actually raised before my purchase as several other victims of BurnTables? sales pitch had advised me to stay far far away from this product. Failing to heed their advice, I did indeed end up taking the leap and making this purchase, which I have regretted literally since day one.

It took a couple of weeks before I was able to complete the installation of the table in my shop and actually begin trying to use it. Immediately, I was greeted with the following examples of the table?s work:





I was assured, however, that the problems I was experiencing were due to the fact that I was using a Hypertherm PowerMax 45 plasma cutter and their table?s Torch Height Control had a very small window of compatibility with this particular plasma cutter, but to keep adjusting their THC knob and eventually I would find the ?sweet spot.? I finally was indeed able to eventually make what I thought were acceptable cuts. As it turns out, I would have been happy with ANY completed cut, regardless of quality. Starve a man long enough and he?ll eat anything, right? This small time frame of ?success? was short lived, however, as simply changing the consumables of my machine torch threw the machine so far out of whack that I once again could not even come close to completing a cut, often not even moving the torch once the initial pierce was made. More knob turning. More knob turning. Calls to ?tech support.? Instructions to keep turning the knob. Literally hours of knob turning. It was at this point I realized I was fighting an uphill battle. If this was standard operating procedure for recalibrating the machine after a simple consumables change, I was dealing with an unacceptable piece of equipment that at its best, wasn?t good enough. This is when I first asked for a refund for the table, a request which was ignored, and instead was offered the chance to send in my computer, controller, and plasma cutter for inspection and testing. Instead I packed it all up and drove it back to BurnTables myself. After a few hours onsite with Kyle Riggens (owner) and CJ Ortiz (tech support), they swapped not only my control box (because of an unknown internal issue), but also my Hypertherm unit for brand new ones. Before my experience with BurnTables, my Hypertherm was a perfectly functioning cutting unit. After they made their requisite internal modification to my torch, however, it threw an internal breaker multiple times every time I turned it on. As soon as Kyle was made aware of this, he immediately swapped my unit for a new one. (This one also didn?t work, so they then swapped that one for another new one). So, with minimal actual usage on the table and less than two months of ownership, I?ve already made a six hour roundtrip to Hutto and come home with a new BurnTables controller and a new Hypertherm unit, which worked perfectly prior to interfacing with their equipment and prior to their internal modification of the plasma cutter, which they assured me was a modification made based on Hypertherm?s own publication. However, according to an engineer at Hypertherm, ?From Hypertherm?s perspective it is a modification that we would not authorize?.as it would cause us to lose our CSA certification.?


Also worth noting from my little trip to BurnTables was that immediately upon setting up my equipment to test, their ?tech support,? CJ, broke the limit switch on the Z axis of their test machine by running it down into the table. It didn?t take long before he also shattered one of their cheaply made plastic torch mounts (Below is a picture, also of their bungee cord spring for material sensing). Not very inspiring actions by the supposed expert on this table.

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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

HTML problems posting the rest...more to follow...
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

Now let?s talk about physics. Acceleration, force, mass, etc. The only corners that get cut well when it comes to BurnTables are the ones that save them a dime by using drastically underpowered stepper motors to power their massive gantry sluggishly around the table and decade-plus old technology for Torch Height Control. Much like any ?car guy? can tell you about 1/4 mile E.T.s and 0-60 numbers, acceleration and force numbers are the parameters by which CNC cutting machines? movements are measured. An accepted industry standard minimum acceleration rate for a table of this level is 15 inches/sec/sec. Satisfactory acceleration would fall closer to 20 i/s/s, desirable would be 35 i/s/s. Of course, these numbers are end user-adjustable in Mach 3. From the factory, BurnTables sets their tables? acceleration at 4 inches/sec/sec. Yes, four. What this means is that it is literally impossible for their table to accelerate and decelerate at rates fast enough to maintain acceptable quality levels on any cut path that isn?t straight. This problem is compounded by the fact that a BurnTables gantry is extremely heavy (110 pounds, I weighed it), as is evident by the bent X axis shaft on their in-house vertical table, as shown in the picture below. According to CJ, this was just an ?illusion? and the shaft wasn?t really bent. And according to Kyle, he?d never even noticed it before. Nice quality control work.


Also obvious on both their vertical table?s gantry as well as my standard table?s gantry was that they had designed them in such a way that one of the belts actually ran in constant contact with one of the support struts on the gantry. How this makes it even out of the design phase of their table, much less into production, is beyond me. (Quite indicative of the overall quality of their product and company as a whole, however).


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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

The reason for the X axis shaft even exists in the first place (identical gantry on their vertical and horizontal tables) is because the entire, heavy gantry is powered by a single 400 oz/inch stepper motor (as opposed to a pair, one on each side). When I inquired with Kyle as to these extremely anemic acceleration numbers and whether or not the motors on this table could even handle 15 inches/sec/sec, I was informed, ?It is your table, your can do what every you want to it. If you are wanting tech help from BurnTables, you will need to keep the table at the factory settings.?

Upon closer inspection by an engineer with 40+ years of design and manufacturing experience, it was discovered just how detrimental this combination of a single, underpowered motor, a heavy gantry, and poor acceleration and control is to cut quality, even at factory settings. Every single cut (straight lines, mind you) along the X axis of this machine exhibits a jagged edge. Cuts along the Y axis, however, are much smoother. This is clear, undeniable evidence that the above combination of factors prove to produce unacceptable results when there is movement along the X axis, even in a straight line. This means that not only are those straight lines affected, but every single curve (since a curve is combination of X and Y axis movement) suffers from reduced cut quality. The picture below is of a simple square (actually the ?test? shape included with the computer from BurnTables). Notice how perpendicular sides exhibit drastically different cut quality. The Y axis only has to move the torch holder, whereas the X must move the entire gantry, which BurnTables? factory motors and settings simply can not do. Again, this is cut at the factory settings, as packaged from BurnTables (those same factory settings that I apparently will lose access to the lifetime of tech support that supposedly comes with the table if I make changes to). To me, this is an indictment of the overall poor quality of this table and proof that it simply can not perform at an acceptable level.

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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

It was at this point that I made a decision, I was either going to strip this table of all of its hardware, motors, THC and controllers and rebuild it myself with aftermarket parts that would at least get me closer to having a decent THC and moving that huge gantry around, or I was going to return this table altogether and build my own from scratch. The latter was my first choice, the former was what I expected to happen. Informing BurnTables of these two options prompted a hasty phone call with instructions to bring the table back to them for a refund. It?s understandable that you wouldn?t want the world (including your other dissatisfied customers, whom I?ve heard from many) to see pictures of someone throwing your stuff in the trash two months after they bought it, only to replace it all with other components that are readily available and vastly improve the overall performance of the table. So, with a signed letter of intent stating the conditions of the return, I packaged it all up and made what I really really hope to be my final trip to BurnTables?s facility in Hutto, TX.

Up to this point, my main objections with this whole situation had been 95% with the product itself. However when presented with a non-disclosure agreement to sign as a condition of the return, one that would contractually bar me from discussing ANY part of my dealings with BurnTables with ANYone, EVER, well that?s when I realized that the people behind the product were truly the ones at fault. NDA?s aren?t brought into simple refunds unless one party to the transaction has something they would like to hide. (Seriously, how often does someone innocent plead the 5th Amendment)? In this case, BurnTables expressed to me that they neither wanted me making public my retrofitting of their table or the fact that they were refunding my money. (By ?public,? they meant forums just like this one, where people go to get valuable information on all kinds of topics, including purchase decisions and product reviews). In fact, their desire to sweep this whole thing under the rug and hold their hand over my mouth in perpetuity was plainly expressed when I was told, ?We don?t want anyone to know about what?s happening is really what it comes down to. I don?t want people to know we took back a table.? In fact, I was instructed on how to answer when asked about my experience, ?If someone says, ?You had a BurnTable,? ?I did, it didn?t work out for me, I sold it?.? I don?t know about where you come from, but where I come from, that?s just downright asking me to lie about my experience. In actuality, I had previously considered putting my BurnTable up for sale. That was a fleeting thought, however, as I could not in good conscious pass this product along to someone else under the guise of it being worth what they would have to pay me for it to make it worthwhile for me to sell it for anything more than scrap. I couldn?t be guilty of selling a terrible product, even if I?m not the one that made it. In fact, I decided long ago that if I could ever dissuade another consumer from making the same decision I made, I would absolutely share with them my experiences and opinions of this product and this company. It is ultimately up to each individual to make their own consumer decisions, but it is also my right, and some would say obligation, to share both the facts of this situation and my opinions that have been formed because of them. My intention is not to hurt them as a company, but simply to inform, educate and advise any future potential customers of the specifics of my individual experience so that they can in turn make their own decisions. As I stated while returning my table, all I would ever share with anyone was the truth, up to and including the fact that, even though it was traveled over a very bumpy road and with much, much prodding from me, the service I received from them was actually very good. While they don?t accept credit cards for table purchases, they actually allowed me to use one since that was the only way I could purchase one at the time. Within two months of my purchase they replaced their faulty controller as well as my Hypertherm Powermax 45 which began to fail once paired with their table. And ultimately, they refunded my money and took back their product when it became apparent that, as manufactured, it could never meet my standards. (Not because of unreasonable standards, mind you, but because of physics). At every step of the way I ultimately got what I wanted, except the part where I got a good table.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

Concerning my modified and supposedly ?repaired? plasma cutter, I ultimately did receive it back from an independent repair facility in Waco, TX, who is not listed as a Hypertherm authorized facility on their own website. This was after two missed dates by which Burntables told me I would have it back while it was ?at Hypertherm.? Of course, I immediately opened the case to my torch just to find that the factory wiring had not actually been replaced and that the resistor and modification initially made by Burntables was in fact still in place. Fortunately for me, the manufacturer of the controller and hardware for the table which I am now fabricating myself offered to replace the plug which had been cut out by Burntables. I also learned that hooking up my Hypertherm with Burntables? modification to my new equipment would have immediately fried the new PWM unit. Whether or not the folks at Burntables were aware of the damage their modification would make to my new equipment or not, I do not know, but it?s obvious that them telling me my Hypertherm would indeed be returned to factory specs was simply not true. This did not surprise me and was the reason I checked it myself before ever even plugging it back in.

So, that?s my own personal experience with Burntables. It is my recommendation to anyone looking to purchase a table from any manufacturer, or to fabricate their own, to research the actual physics behind what it takes to make even an acceptable CNC cutting unit. Unfortunately for me, it was details such as these that I learned after purchasing a sub-par unit from a manufacturer who would rather attempt to hide their shortcomings from the public than to fix them when they are made apparent by a dissatisfied customer. I consider myself fortunate to have been able to press this issue far enough to receive a refund from Burntables and I am grateful to have been freed from this drastically underperforming table. Hopefully if there are any other dissatisfied customers out there they can come to an equally agreeable resolution, as there are definitely better, and more affordable, options available.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

Sorry all that had to be broken up into several posts, but I finally got it all in there.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by CNCCAJUN »

I'm glad you got your money back.

Personally I think that the plasma torch makers, i.e. Hypertherm, Victor, etc. need to step in and use there clout. These companies should all be required to couple with there torches via data cables or void the warranty. I find it disturbing that these torch manufacturers allow just anyone to basically be dealers for their equipment. I would think a simple visit and review of their product offering would resolve a lot of the problems out there.

See a visit with Tom @ CandCNC 1st as I did would have been very educational . . . he was my 1st stop...

Again, glad you got your money back.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by Metriccar »

I know there are some table manufacturers that will sell a Hypertherm or VIctor plasma cutter with their unit, not because they are an authorized dealer, but they buy one and sell it at their cost with the table.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by Metriccar »

Good luck with your table build.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

Metriccar wrote:Good luck with your table build.
Thank ya! Picked up 24' of cold rolled flat stock today (had to order through my machine shop) and should be able to get the rest of the steel I need tomorrow. I already have all my Precision Plasma and CandCNC components in hand.

For what it's worth, and I'm sure I'll repeat this many times throughout my build, the folks at both Precision Plasma and CandCNC have all been WONDERFUL to deal with so far.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

Personally I think that the plasma torch makers, i.e. Hypertherm, Victor, etc. need to step in and use there clout. These companies should all be required to couple with there torches via data cables or void the warranty. I find it disturbing that these torch manufacturers allow just anyone to basically be dealers for their equipment. I would think a simple visit and review of their product offering would resolve a lot of the problems out there.
I also agree that at the very least companies like BT are poorly representing (in this particular case) Hypertherm. For them to tell me my torch was being repaired "at Hypertherm" and then to get it shipped (still modified, mind you) directly from a third party repairmen...that's just another "stretch of the truth" to put it lightly.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by Gamelord »

Wow, what a story. I want to thank you for your integrity and for holding fast to what you know is right. You will be blessed for your struggles and honesty.

Hopefully this post along with your most unfortunate experiences will allow for others to see that all products are not made equally and will be able to make a more intellectual choice when they decide to place their hard earned money down on a piece of equipment that they plan on using to help feed their families.

I applaud you for standing up to what is right. Hopefully Burntables will one day learn from this experience, see that people are not just dollar bills in their pockets and move towards a more honest approach to doing business.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by tnbndr »

Wow, I couldn't type all that in one day!!! Interesting story, I take it you never signed the NDA?
You have reinforced my decision to order a LDR Motion Systems table. I have researched for over a year and this is a huge investment to have something like what happened to you occur. By the way hooking up a PM45 should be plug and play from everyone that I have spoken to, as that is what I currently own also.
Good luck on your build, Post your progress.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by CNCCAJUN »

Actually I don't think it is Plug & Play for several of the companies.

CandCNC or PlasmaCAM two that come to mind. . .

Both of these companies seem to know what they are doing, after all, Jim Colt has a PlasmaCAM.

If that has changed, please correct me.

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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by weldor2005 »

CNCCAJUN wrote:I'm glad you got your money back.

Personally I think that the plasma torch makers, i.e. Hypertherm, Victor, etc. need to step in and use there clout. These companies should all be required to couple with there torches via data cables or void the warranty. I find it disturbing that these torch manufacturers allow just anyone to basically be dealers for their equipment. I would think a simple visit and review of their product offering would resolve a lot of the problems out there.

See a visit with Tom @ CandCNC 1st as I did would have been very educational . . . he was my 1st stop...

Again, glad you got your money back.
Keep in mind that most plasma cutters designed for machine use do use a data cable. The PM 45 was never intended for use on a table, and thus needs a modification to work. I am honestly glad that Hypertherm is willing to stand by their warranty when I open up the machine to modify it for a table. Shows how much they back their product.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

tnbndr wrote:Wow, I couldn't type all that in one day!!! Interesting story, I take it you never signed the NDA?
You have reinforced my decision to order a LDR Motion Systems table. I have researched for over a year and this is a huge investment to have something like what happened to you occur. By the way hooking up a PM45 should be plug and play from everyone that I have spoken to, as that is what I currently own also.
Good luck on your build, Post your progress.
Not a chance I signed the NDA, that was not even an option, in my book. And believe me, I didn't write all that in one day, it was a process for sure!

As far as the PM45, with the CancCNC setup, there are no internal modification required to make it work, unless you are trying to use a hand torch, in which case there is. I used and am still using a machine torch, and the PM45 had to be put back to stock form to be plug and play with the BladeRunner setup. I would guess that there have probably been more of those 45's sold than just about any other plasma cutter on the market, so it always amazed me that it had to be hacked up internally just to work with a BT table. (My level of amazement at that fact dropped significantly the farther I got into this whole deal though...).
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

weldor2005 wrote:
CNCCAJUN wrote:I'm glad you got your money back.

Personally I think that the plasma torch makers, i.e. Hypertherm, Victor, etc. need to step in and use there clout. These companies should all be required to couple with there torches via data cables or void the warranty. I find it disturbing that these torch manufacturers allow just anyone to basically be dealers for their equipment. I would think a simple visit and review of their product offering would resolve a lot of the problems out there.

See a visit with Tom @ CandCNC 1st as I did would have been very educational . . . he was my 1st stop...

Again, glad you got your money back.
Keep in mind that most plasma cutters designed for machine use do use a data cable. The PM 45 was never intended for use on a table, and thus needs a modification to work. I am honestly glad that Hypertherm is willing to stand by their warranty when I open up the machine to modify it for a table. Shows how much they back their product.
Since there's a CNC interface cable port on the 45, I'd have to say that is was indeed designed with table use in mind. And I am by no means knocking HT when I say this, but it's not them that stood behind their warranty on this machine, it was a paid third party repair shop that did the "repairs" to mine (on the invoice included with the torch when I got it back it said they replaced the switch and the control board). That being said, any dealings I have had directly with HT have been great, and I truly do believe they stand behind their product. It would be nice to see a little more QC over their OEMs, who seem (in this case) to throw their (HT) name around as if they are best buds.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by jimcolt »

Powermax45 systems are all equipped with a rear panel CPC electrical interface connector, this connector has the plasma start input, an arc transfer output as well as a 50:1 voltage diver output for height control. This connector is active when the machine torch is used, inactive with a hand torch for safety reasons. These functions make the Powermax45 plug and play compatible with some available cnc machine interfaces, but not all of them.

Hypertherm does work closely with all authorized OEM's that use our systems on their machines. We ensure that they have proper factory training regarding our suggested interface techniques as well as with the acceptable support practices when they sell one of our products.

Personally I have never worked with Burn Tables, although I did see one of their machines a few years back at a trade show. The machine at the show was running with a Thermal Dynamics plasma cutter and it looked good and was cutting decent parts. I have spoken with a number of end user customers that have Hypertherm plasma on a Burntables machine, the majority of them were quite happy with the performance of the systems.

The issue that Hypertherm had with the internal modification on the Powermax45 was in regards to running raw arc voltage output (which is used on a number of cnc height control systems, not just Burntables) being wired through an unused set of terminals on the CPC port, which is not rated for the voltage and power level on the Raw arc Voltage output signal. Hypertherm did not recommend this modification. We do offer a document that suggests a safe method of interfacing the raw arc voltage on many of our systems, and this method does not suggest running this output through the terminals on the CPC connector.

So, not being personally involved in this situation, I cannot comment much on it. Just thought I would clarify what I do know regarding the comments on the interface connections. Jim Colt
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

jimcolt wrote:
Hypertherm does work closely with all authorized OEM's that use our systems on their machines. We ensure that they have proper factory training regarding our suggested interface techniques as well as with the acceptable support practices when they sell one of our products.

The issue that Hypertherm had with the internal modification on the Powermax45 was in regards to running raw arc voltage output (which is used on a number of cnc height control systems, not just Burntables) being wired through an unused set of terminals on the CPC port, which is not rated for the voltage and power level on the Raw arc Voltage output signal. Hypertherm did not recommend this modification. We do offer a document that suggests a safe method of interfacing the raw arc voltage on many of our systems, and this method does not suggest running this output through the terminals on the CPC connector.

So, not being personally involved in this situation, I cannot comment much on it. Just thought I would clarify what I do know regarding the comments on the interface connections. Jim Colt
I have nothing but love for my Hypertherm unit. It's served me faithfully as a hand torch for years and is one of the best pieces of equipment I have ever owned. My only concern was from a safety standpoint, as well as from a basic misrepresentation of BT's policies and procedures when it comes to their internal mods (and subsequent repairs after the ensuing torch failure). Whether or not BT is actually an authorized OEM of HT's products, I don't really know, but it seems like they are flying in the face of what is accepted modification of the 45 as published by HT. And at the end of the day, the torch issues amounted to only a small portion of my overall problems with them as a company and of the table I purchased from them. And of course I appreciate the clarifications of the interface connections just in case anyone had questions about the use of a 45 with a CNC setup. As always, a clear and knowledgeable response, Jim...thank ya sir.
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by Brand X »

I am using Candcnc current probe, and raw arc voltage going to their voltage divider in my Esab. There really is no real advantage in going with the factory voltage divider,and the factory CNC interface for my machine. Also single drive/ jack-shaft setup cuts very well with with good acceleration settings in Mach3. I keep the top speed down, because it's not needed with all the different amp consumables available. I get comparable cut quality as my friends Hypertherm 85 on his very nice blade runner table he built. Really the very best designed tables I have seen built from that kit.. He built it to take 5x10 2"inch steel plate. You are going to like your new setup, once you get it all up and running. I would probably go that way, but I would gain very little in the overall cut quality that I get. Just a better layout on the table, and a bit smoother running table. Although It's not really showing up in my cuts as far I can tell. My table was about worthless when I first got it over ten years ago, and with some upgrades ,it works well In my home shop. It would not work well in my friends shop at all..
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by shiner2001 »

Brand X wrote:Also single drive/ jack-shaft setup cuts very well with with good acceleration settings in Mach3.
I understand there could be a situation where this setup would perform acceptably (light light light gantry and bigger motor), but the Burntables table just isn't one of them. In this application the one vastly underpowered motor just can't keep up with the mass that it has to accelerate and decelerate. It all goes back to "an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion." Nevermind the fact that BT told me I could no longer get tech help (which was a joke anyway) from them if I changed the acceleration settings in Mach 3.
Brand X wrote: You are going to like your new setup, once you get it all up and running.
I can't wait to get it all put together! Just bought and cut the steel for the table the other day, now just have to get the time to get in the shop and weld it all up. I'm really looking forward to this project!
Precision Plasma LD 4x8
CandCNC BladeRunner EtherCut Mark IV
HT PM 45
Brand X
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by Brand X »

Here is what you can expect. His has been running non stop for two years. Laser cut slats, and air bladder that lifts out with his fork lift for cleaning. Just super solid. and attention to detail on the build. Look at the little detail to tighten align/tighten the rails. Milled some slots to get the room to tighten the bolts.

Still, I am happy with my cut quality of my single drive 425 oz stepper with fairly heavy gantry. Maybe it's just my Esab Plasma that helps compared to he Hypertherm 85.. ( :lol: ) Anyway. I needed a bolt together frame when I bought mine. so the weld up deal was out of the question. Lots of bracing made mine solid enough for anything I would do or have done.. Last picture is just a letter cut out on .028 MS.using my table.. Zero issues with acceleration, and quality of cut. Maybe I just live right.. :mrgreen: Main thing I have get consumables for the low-end om my 90 amp machine. I can keep the arc density at lower amps, and then cut at a slower speed then most plasma's. Helps fine turn my setup to make it function well. 150 -160 ipm.. 20 amps...20-30 amp nozzles unshielded/no water/down draft. Plasma does have 15 amp low end..(Great for marking points)

Like I said. you are on a great path, and one I would chose for myself at this point. (If I ever upgraded) He will probably go with Servo's pretty soon, but the steppers have been fine..

getting there (Medium).JPG
No leaks (Medium).JPG
2-13-11 (Medium).JPG

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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by 762frmafr »

You should copy and paste this on Pirate4x4.
Black Dog
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Re: My terrible experience with Burntables and my resolution

Post by Black Dog »

I bought my Burn Table a year ago and have not been able to get the THC working. I haven't been very happy with my BT either I got the engraver and router on mine. I have never been able to get the engraver to work correctly.

The quality of the components are cheap to say the least and not what you expect when paying $14K.

I finally gave up trying to talk to Tech Support. When I couldn't get my router to work I was asked " what did you name the tool?" I said "router" and was told that wasn't the correct name and it must be named TH101 or something. I told them that was nice but the user manual doesn't state the name had to be anything specific. I was told to go the section on the router and it would state that. Well on that specific page there is a screen shot of setting up the tool for the router in Mach and it does show the name is TH101 but no place does it say it must be named that.

The users manual is a joke, written buy an engineer that assumes the reader knows what he is talking about. I found so much stuff wrong with their manual I told Kyle and CJ they needed to put out something that was worth reading and gave specific step by step instructions. I was told they think the manual is just fine.

I was told if I came down to get my table I would get some hands on training. What a joke, sit through a Power Point show and then a couple of minutes on their demo machine and your done and out the door.
Shawn Qualley
Burn Table 4x8
Plasma, Router, Engraver
Hypertherm 65
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